Sunday, August 1, 2010

Hope UMC

On July 1st, our family took a big step and change and left Avenue UMC and went to Hope UMC.  After 9 years at Avenue it was very hard to say good bye to so many friends.  We went trusting God was in control.  Hope is a much smaller church than Avenue.  It averages about 1/4 the attendance of Avenue on a Sunday.  However, we are beginning to feel right at home at Hope UMC.  It was tough to explain to Abbie that we were listening to God and leaving our old church and going to our new church.  After our first night of VBS Abbie told her daycare provider that her mom and dad have a new church but it is not her church.  Luckily,  this church has lots of young families with children the same age as Abbie.  Abbie has adjusted well and has made some new friends.  Abbie now calls Hope her new church!!  I am sure Abbie will come to love Hope UMC just as much as she loved Avenue UMC.   We are excited to Sunday School to begin in the fall so Abbie can continue to build new friendships witht he children at Hope UMC.   

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